september 13
- Who is the Herald-Times Week 4 Player of the Week?
- What we learned: Crazy week still led to game for Edgewood
- Situation in Afghanistan not inevitable, says letter writer
- Two suggestions for others who could be honored for work in biology
- Letter writer has questions about Bloomington annexation proposal
- Commentary: What we really inherit from our family
- Monroe County property transfers
- Daughters of the American Revolution celebrate Constitution Week
- Veterans experiencing trauma over Afghanistan can call crisis line
- MCCSC bus driver shortage leading to transportation concerns
- Afghan evacuees headed for Camp Atterbury will be vetted
- Monroe County Sheriff Brad Swain wants funds for more staff, equipment
- Upland Plein Air exhibition 'Sharing Gifts' supports at-risk youth
- Fees for many campsites in Hoosier National Forest may be increasing
- IU student Ann Harmeier's 1977 murder still unsoved
- Indiana football: Michael Penix making progress, but Hoosiers need more