Looking to sell your home? These easily avoidable mistakes turn off buyers. Don't do them.

Laura Musall

The red buds are in full bloom, and it’s time for the annual spring home-buying season. Real estate brokers like me and homebuyers all over the metro area are hoping to see more homes in the market this spring. While we’re still in a seller’s market (that means we don’t have enough houses for buyers who are ready to move), that doesn’t mean anything goes.

After nearly two decades of showing houses to buyers and helping sellers get their homes ready, I’ve seen plenty of faux pas that leave me scratching my head wondering: “What were they thinking?” When buyers see homes that aren’t up to par, it inevitably causes them to start name calling. Here are some examples of some of the name calling I’ve heard and homes I’ve seen.

The pot house. The sellers left a recently used bong and an assortment of dark leafy greens on the dresser of the bedroom.

The pervert house. My first-time buyers were horrified to find a telescope in the bedroom of a house pointed directly at the bedroom of a house across the street.

The cat house. Cats cause all sorts of issues for homebuyers. First, lots of people are allergic, so I’ve had my share of buyers run from the house in sneezing fits. I’ve had cats sit in my shoes and stubbornly refuse to depart. Then, there was the house with lots of cats, including a large Siamese cat who held court on the kitchen counter and hissed at us. Speaking of pets of all kinds — if you have pets and can’t find a home for them while your house is being shown, it’s best to keep them in a crate for their safety and ours. That includes birds. I had one land on my head once.

This home in Huntington has over 5,200 square feet of living space.

The taxidermy house. Maybe you are super proud of your big kill, but mounted animal heads are not widely appreciated by homebuyers. You’re going to have to pack up those animal heads when you move, so get a head start and pack them away before the house goes on the market.

The porn house. Speaking of packing up things, if you’re into boudoir photography or live a clothes-optional lifestyle, that’s your business, but your local realtor and her buyers — who may have children in tow — don’t need to see the results of it. Pack that stuff up. Don’t forget about videos, too, no one needs to see your private collection.

Paranoid seller. I was showing a home on Geist a few years ago, and the seller didn’t trust anyone to be in the house alone, so she hid out with her dog in the laundry room. My clients did buy that house, but we had to make a second appointment to see inside the laundry — alone.

Surprised tenants. A colleague at FC Tucker, Diane Cassidy, was more than shocked when she opened the door to a primary bedroom and found a couple in bed. Their landlord failed to let them know about the scheduled showing.

Of course, there are plenty of other things that turn off buyers. Bad smells are big: pet odors, smoke, trash and even strong food odors. Here’s a pro tip: When selling your house, avoid cooking bacon, fish, curry and anything else that leaves a lingering smell. Trying to use fragrance, like plug-ins and sprays, only cause buyers to assume you’re trying to hide something worse than last night’s dinner.

First impressions matter, so present your house to impress, and that means deep cleaning and decluttering.

To be fair, most homes look great, and the nicknames are positive.

Laura Musall

Homebuyers marvel at sellers who keep their homes in pristine condition and have their closets organized just the way Maria Kondo would. Buyers love homes with nice kitchens, sparkling bathrooms spa-like and outdoor spaces that offer privacy where they can imagine hosting barbecues and putting up playsets for the kids. Buyers want to feel at home and imagine where they’ll watch Sunday football games and host dinner parties. A seller’s job isn’t to display their hobbies and tastes, but to create a space that makes it easy for buyers to see themselves at home. Because when buyers are really enamored, they’ll write a good offer and call it their dream home.

Laura Musall is a Realtor and broker with F.C. Tucker Company in Fishers. You can learn more about her at LauraMusallHomes.com.