Big plans for Bloomington bus service: Electric buses, micro transit and more.

Portrait of Boris Ladwig Boris Ladwig
The Herald-Times
A Bloomington Transit Route 3 bus drops off a passenger along Woodcrest Drive on Friday, Aug. 19, 2022.

Bloomington Transit is planning big changes that include more electric buses, an expanded transit center and in-house Uber/Lyft-style microtransit service.

Meanwhile, the city of Bloomington has launched a new website to provide information about buses and bike routes — but also to encourage commuters, especially at Catalent, Indiana University and other large employers, to carpool to reduce use of single-occupancy vehicles.

The bus system recently was awarded a $7 million grant with which it plans to buy eight electric buses. Existing federal funding will pay for another eight buses by 2024.

BT General Manager John Connell said the system plans to have 60% of its fleet powered by electricity by 2030. Only two of the system’s current 43 buses are electric.

New option to get to campusTrying to get from Bloomington's east side to campus on the bus?

Connell said the system had some initial “issues” with the e-buses but after working with the manufacturer the kinks have been worked out. He said the buses are performing well now.

Scott Smith, a fixed route driver and president of the bus drivers union, AFSCME Local 613, said drivers and passengers like the electric buses because they are “quiet” and “comfortable to drive.”

“But we are concerned about the cost and the longevity,” he said.

Operators drive buses aggressively, Smith said, and some of the diesel-powered ones are still working well after 20 years. Drivers worry about electric buses breaking down or losing charge at certain times of the year, which has happened, he said, though those issues appear to have been addressed.

Smith said the transit system is embarking on a lot of projects at a time of a continued driver shortage, though that is slowly improving.

“There’s a lot going on and it’s all kind of coming together,” he said.

However, he said he also appreciates that Connell has a more ambitious vision for the transit system than prior leaders and he hopes the changes can be implemented effectively with a full staff and an increased focus on driver and rider safety.

Smith said the driver shortage, especially during the pandemic, sometimes exposed drivers to aggressive passengers, including unhoused people, which alienated both drivers and customers.

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The driver shortage prompted BT leaders last year to agree to raise drivers’ starting wage to $19.02 per hour. By the fourth year, the drivers will make $28.53 per hour or about $59,000 annually.

Transit officials said elimination of some late-night bus routes and consolidation of routes on the city’s east and south sides also freed up some driver hours. Late-night riders and those on parts of the east side can call Uber or Lyft, with the city paying up to $19 for the rides.

Despite those steps, Connell said the driver shortage still represents “a major challenge.”

While the system is adding drivers and has more in training, making headway is difficult as people resign and retire, he said.

The transit system also is considering moving its administrative offices or expanding its current offices at 130 W. Grimes Lane. Connell said as the system expands, its fleet it will need more administrative square footage.

"We're running out of space," he said.

The transit system owns the building, but the land is owned by Indiana University, and Connell said it would make sense to acquire the property first before exploring acquisitions of adjoining properties. The system has earmarked $250,000 in next year's budget to hire a consultant to identify possible expansion sites and needed environmental impact studies.

"There's a lot of work to be done," Connell said.

More ride-sharing?

Connell said BT also plans to roll out an in-house app that will provide riders with real-time locations of buses and, eventually, will allow riders to order a Bloomington Transit ride-sharing service similar to Uber and Lyft. The transit system is using the ride sharing services in some areas where it has reduced fixed-route bus service to cut costs and in response to the ongoing driver shortage.

Connell said the transit app eventually could be merged with GoBloomington.

Go Bloomington logo.

What is Go Bloomington?

The city of Bloomington, meanwhile, has launched a new website, GoBloomington.org, to provide people with real-time location information of buses and to offer other alternatives to using single-occupancy vehicles.

Jeff Jackson, the city’s transportation demand management director, said he is encouraging every individual and employer to register for the service to increase the likelihood of car- or vanpooling.

The city is working with rental car company Enterprise to subsidize the use of leased vehicles for commuting. Jackson said the city would provide $500 toward the $1,500 monthly lease of a 15-passenger van, with a large employer possibly paying for another $500. That would mean the 15 passengers would share the remaining $500 monthly costs ($33.33) plus gas and parking.

While no such vanpools exist yet, Jackson said as more people register for the platform, the likelihood of matches increases. When commuters register, they provide information about what time and days they go to work and where, and the platform will flag potential matches.

Jackson said some large employers, including drug maker Catalent, Indiana University and IU Health have agreed to participate, and he also is scheduled to talk with officials from medical device maker Cook.

GoBloomington provides people with information about bus, biking or walking routes between destinations. According to the website, since its launch in early September it already has offered 196 alternative trips, allowed people to burn 16,000 calories, reduced CO2 emissions by nearly 260 pounds and saved people more than $200.

The administration of Mayor John Hamilton and the Bloomington City Council also increased the local income tax this year in part to earmark dollars for expanding bus service to Sunday and to establish an east-west express transit line, though details have yet to be determined.