Letters: Humane Society scorecard, mayor and homeless, flooding help, cemetery donations

The Herald-Times

Indiana Humane Society's scorecard on lawmakers

For Hoosiers who care deeply about companion animals, as well as our state’s wildlife, this most recent legislative session proved a difficult one to swallow. Two extreme anti-animal bills passed and were signed into law, despite the best efforts of animal advocates across the state.

While we cannot change the past, we can work to hold the lawmakers who supported these inhumane measures accountable. And now, with the Humane Society Legislative Fund releasing its 2024 Indiana Humane Scorecard, we can easily see who shares our drive to protect animals.

I can proudly say that Rep. Dave Hall earned an impressive score of 100% on this scorecard thanks to his pro-animal efforts. Rep. Hall voted against HB 1412, a bill that voids humane pet store ordinances across the state, and against SB 241, a bill requiring the creation of a bobcat hunting season.

With these actions, Rep. Hall rebuked the puppy mill to pet store pipeline and took a stand to protect Indiana’s only remaining native cat. We need more allies like Rep. Halland this November we have a chance to elect them. On Election Day, I urge you to take HSLF’s 2024 Indiana Humane Scorecard into consideration when you vote.

Samantha Chapman, Fishers, Indiana state director of Humane Society Legislative Fund

Impressed with new mayor, approach to homeless

I am impressed, and so should everyone else, with Bloomington Mayor Kerry Thomson for taking the time to meet and personally address members of the homeless population. This takes a certain amount of class. The good mayor is also approachable and will listen.

Moreover, I often walk the B-Line Trail where many of the homeless have their tents, and noticed something else: two large dumpsters for the homeless to put their trash. Funny thing is, why didn't anybody think of that before?

Roy Graham, Bloomington

Thankful for help of all to prevent flooding in neighborhood

Some years back, a group from Indiana University's O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs did a project on ground water mitigation in our neighborhood. During heavy rains water spilled down the hill, overwhelming the drainage ditch and causing flooding. From there it continued east, flooding the drainage ditch on Covenanter Drive.

Some property owners weren't interested in participating and the issue continued. My neighbor, Sherry Mitchell-Bruker, founder of Friends of Lake Monroe, believed the problem was runoff from Deer Park, just west of our neighborhood.

I called Joseph Fitzgerald of Deer Park and arranged a meeting with Sherry, Dave Rollo and myself. Sherry felt the best solution was a detention pond at the top of Devon Lane on Deer Park property. Dave suggested, since it was a rather inexpensive solution, that the Utility Department would be willing to cover the expense. This was all agreed to in under 10 minutes.

We had some planning delays, then COVID, but eventually the project was completed. I can tell you the difference has been amazing. I would like to thank all of these people for their expertise and their effort. Mostly, I want to thank Joseph Fitzgerald and his family as they had nothing to gain.

Becky Wann, Bloomington

Grateful for donations for Carmichael Cemetery

The officers of Carmichael Cemetery are grateful to all who so generously donated toward the upkeep of the cemetery over the Memorial Day weekend. If you could not visit the cemetery, you can send your donation to treasurer: Debra Martindale, 12346 E. Carter Road, Bloomfield, Indiana 47424.

We extend a special thanks to the Solsberry American Legion for honoring our deceased veterans. Also, to Bryan Davis, Tim, Case and Judson Davis, Tracy Fields, Debra and Danny Martindale, Monty Porter, and Bill and Reba Butler for placing flags on veteran graves. Thanks to Mick Jackson and Leon Price who keep the cemetery mowed and looking nice.

We appreciate our Trustees, Bryan Davis, Danny Martindale and Tracy Fields, who look after the cemetery and its needs continually. Thanks to Danny and Debbie Martindale, Bill and Reba Butler, Brad Mann, Mike Mosier, Tracy Fields, and Bryan and Tim Davis, who were our greeters over the weekend.

Reba Butler, Bedford, president of Carmichael Cemetery board