Letters: Wells scholar alumni upset by IU administration; challenge extended to Trump

The Herald-Times

IU Wells scholars disturbed by administration's actions

Dear Indiana University Trustees,

We write as over 100 Wells Scholars alumni from 15+ (Indiana University) graduating classes deeply disturbed by the administration’s hostilities towards students protesting IU’s ongoing ties with the Israeli government.

From documents in the public domain, we learned that IU is directly implicated in the Israeli occupation through its partnership with the Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center, which has developed artillery and AI technology to commit atrocities in Gaza. IU has also ignored rising calls to make its endowment portfolio transparent and divest from assets complicit in the Israeli occupation.

Students have protested this status quo in nonviolent ways. Beginning April 25, students participated in a decades-long tradition of protesting in Dunn Meadow. At President Pamela Whitten’s direction, the administration escalated, endangering an otherwise peaceful demonstration with snipers, riot police and unjust arrests. Professor Abdulkader Sinno’s suspension and artist Samia Halaby’s exhibition cancellation are two more instances of repression since Oct. 7.

We call on IU to end its repression, dismiss President Whitten, and engage in good-faith negotiations to divest. As alumni, we are organizing our networks to reevaluate donations to the university until we receive assurances that donations are used ethically and students of conscience are treated with dignity.

Richard Solomon, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Challenge extended for Trump, added for Rokita

Many people are saying they read my St. Patrick's Day challenge to Donald Trump ("Bring your Golden Sneakers and meet me in the schoolyard"). Some of you — the best of you — are wondering if he showed up and did I teach him the lesson all bullies need to learn: Stop picking on us.

Unsurprisingly, Trump chickened out, claiming he was too busy becoming a convicted felon. I thought that was a pretty good excuse, so I've extended the challenge. It's open-ended, Donny, you and me in the schoolyard of your choosing. (Note: No prison yards, thank you very much.)

I'm sure many of you are disappointed by this delay — it's so Aileen Cannon-ish. But after seeing that H-T photo of our smug AG MAGA-butthead Todd Rokita (6/05) I am offering a consolation challenge.

Rokita, meet me next to the Hoagy Carmichael statue beside the IU Auditorium, just you and me. You obviously hate Bloomington and our university. Here's your chance to work all that evil out on me, smackdown-style. Name the date.

Please make it before mid-September. I will turn 80 then, and my wife has made me promise to quit threatening fascist politicians after that.

Dennis Reardon, Monroe County