What we've learned about Donald Trump, Mike Pence and the U.S. Capitol Riot since Jan. 6

Portrait of Rashika Jaipuriar Rashika Jaipuriar
Indianapolis Star

As we approach one year since the deadly U.S. Capitol riot, the relationship between former President Donald Trump and former Vice President and former Indiana Governor Mike Pence remains one of the key storylines of the insurrection.

As journalists have chronicled and investigated the attack, details about Trump, Pence and their interactions highlight how the two broke apart after Jan. 6.

On the day of the riot, Trump stood by — and reiterated — false election claims while Pence and other lawmakers had to evacuate to safety during the deadly insurrection. Pence, on the other hand, has faced criticism both from his former boss and others after certifying the electoral votes, which is the vice president's constitutional duty.

Here's what else we've learned about Trump, Pence and how they responded to the riot:

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Trump taunted Pence: 'You're going to wimp out'

Before the riot, Pence's loyalty was put to the test by Trump and his taunts, according to a CNN review of Bob Woodward and Robert Costa's book "Peril." The book, published in September, details Trump's tumultuous final days in office — including the  hours leading up to the insurrection. 

With MAGA supporters cheering outside the White House on Jan. 5, Trump reportedly pressured Pence to overturn the results of the election. Here's how the authors detailed the exchange, according to CNN:

Trump: "If these people say you had the power, wouldn't you want to?"

Pence: "I wouldn't want any one person to have that authority."

Trump: "But wouldn't it be almost cool to have that power?"

Pence: "No ... I've done everything I could and then some to find a way around this. It's simply not possible."

Trump:  "No, no, no! You don't understand, Mike. You can do this. I don't want to be your friend anymore if you don't do this."

On the morning of Jan. 6, Trump called Pence, repeating his demands again:

"If you don't do it, I picked the wrong man four years ago," Trump said "You're going to wimp out."

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Pence faced uncertainty under pressure

Though Pence has proudly stood by his decision to certify the election, he initially struggled with it, Woodward and Costa report.

While facing pressure from the former president, Pence reached out to former vice president (and former Indiana senator) Dan Quayle for counsel. Pence repeatedly asked if there was anything he could do, according to "Peril."

"Mike, you have no flexibility on this. None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away," Quayle reportedly told him.

Pence pressed again.

"You don't know the position I'm in."

"I do know the position you're in," Quayle responded. "I also know what the law is. You listen to the parliamentarian. That's all you do. You have no power."

Trump defended rioters: 'The people were very angry ... It's common sense'

Post-insurrection, Trump has continued to sympathize with the rioters — even those calling for the death of his vice president. 

In an interview for his book "Betrayal," Jonathan Karl asked Trump about the safety of his vice president, according to an audio excerpt shared on Twitter.

"Were you worried about him?" Karl asks.

"No I thought he was well-protected," Trump answers. "And I had heard that he was in good shape..."

When asked about the "Hang Mike Pence" chants specifically, Trump defended the rioters and repeated his false claims about voting in the 2020 election.

"Well, the people were very angry," Trump says in the audio excerpt. "Because it's — it's common sense, Jon, it's common sense, that you're supposed to protect — How can you, if you know a vote is fraudulent, right — how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to Congress?"

'Un-American':In June speech, Mike Pence uses strongest language yet on refusal to deny election results

We may never 'see eye to eye':Former VP Mike Pence speaks out on Capitol attack in June speech

Pence stands by his decision, most recently crediting James Madison

Since January, Pence has stood by his decision to certify the election and break with Trump.

In a series of speaking events this summer, he has said that the notion of rejecting the states' votes would have been "un-American," and that he and his former boss may simply never see "eye to eye" on that day.

Most recently, in an appearance at the University of Iowa, Pence credited James Madison, "the father of the Constitution," and a Bible verse in his decision to certify the election. 

During the Q&A portion of the event, an audience member asked Pence, "What is the name of the person who told you to buck President Trump's plan and certify the votes?"

"James Madison," Pence responded, citing the fourth president. He was met with light laughter and applause after his response, but he disputed the audience member's other claims about how Pence's presidential aspirations affected his decisions that day. 

“Virtually everything you’ve recited relative to me is false," Pence countered. He then quoted Psalm 15: "He who keeps his oath even when it hurts."

"The Constitution is very clear that elections are to be governed at the state level," Pence said. "The founders actually made that decision at the Constitutional Convention. The only role of the federal government was to open and count the electoral votes that were sent by the states."

Trump and Pence 'parted amicably'

What's the relationship between Trump and Pence like now? 

Trump has previously expressed disappointment, telling Washington Post journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker in July, that the election "would have had a different outcome" if Pence acted. 

“Well, I was disappointed in Mike,” Trump is quoted saying in their book "I Alone Can Fix It" — though he insisted he had "a very good relationship with Mike Pence, very good."

On the possibility of Pence running as a competitor in the 2024 presidential race, Trump "seemed to welcome the competition," the authors wrote.

“It’s a free country, right?” Trump says. “It’s a free country.”

Pence has also kept up a positive note on their relationship, saying the two "parted amicably" after the White House.

"The President and I sat down a few days later and talked through all of it," Pence told Sean Hannity in an October Fox News TV appearance. "I can tell you that we parted amicably at the end of the administration, and we've talked a number of times since we both left office."

Contact Rashika Jaipuriar at rjaipuriar@gannett.com and follow her on Twitter @rashikajpr.